Sunday, October 15, 2006

Ultraman Mebius and Ultraman Brothers

Cinemas in Japan are actually quite a rare sight. I live in a town with a population of over 93,000 and we dont have one. I'm surrounded by towns of comparable size and again, they are bereft of theatres. Trips must be made into the big smoke (thankfully only 30mins away) in order to see anything thats been commited to celluloid, and this is precisely what i did last weekend, Ewan-kun in tow, to see the Ultraman Mebius and Ultraman Brothers Movie.
Now seeing a movie entirely in japanese with no english subtitles was slightly disconcerting, but having spent the last 3 years watching various incarntaions of The japanese hero via the tv, I felt sufficiently versed in Ultraman lore to wing it. Failing that, I could always employ Ewan to spell it out for his "baka-daddy".

So in we sauntered, ewan slightly less enthused than myself to be honest, and acquired our seats. Trailers, trailers, trailers, none of which was particularly inspiring and all seemed out of place somewhat in regards to the content of the main feature...horror movies, samurai slasher epics and so on, ewan was getting twitchy, lights were out, big booming subwoofers helping to unnerve him even more, the 'eject' button was proving a realistic possibility. Now plying kids with candy is obviously not a healthy or indeed sound parental choice, but when its in order to stave off the tears and introduce ones child to a cultural experience i feel its acceptable. So thats what I did. Nervousness abated, the main feature finally kicked off.
Now Ultraman is somewhat of a national institution, and his popularity can be traced back to Japans post war need to regain some sense of pride. The post war years threw up a diverse and bizarre variety of cultural icons from the likes of Puro-resu star RikkiDozan (His North Korean nationality was kept secret from the japanese who assumed he was native) who gained fame from regularly giving American wrestlers a pounding, to the likes of Godzilla and Ultraman. The latter two were of particular interest as they also confronted issues such as the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings (albeit indirectly), Radiation fallout and effects, and the view of 'dark technology' and its implications. These themes resonate through japanese popular culture still and can be seen in the works of Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira and Hideo Kojima'sMetal Gear solid.

Obviously, what with Ewan being 4, these cultural references dont really apply, so enough of that for now and back to the day in question.
Anyway, the movie kicked off in fine fettle with 4 of the Ultramen, (Ultraman, Ultraman Jack, Ultraman Seven and Ultraman-A) doing whats expected of them in knocking the heck out of a large rubber skinned space monster. The vast majority of Japanese hero shows/movies feature men dressed in rubber suits performing various fighting manouevers in a somewhat slow and clumsy manner, rather reminiscent of the british pro wrestling era of Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks. It wasnt until the previous incarnation of Ultraman (Ultraman Max) that more sophisticated rendering techniques were brought to the series. The rubber monsters remain but theyve been supplemented by C.G.I. which lends them an all together more 'sexy' air. Its a very different perspective than Hollywood, in which excessive C.G.I. has given productions a rather sterile look. Ultramans monsters, although somewhat comical in appearance possess a real weight and gravity which is missing from the likes of, for example, Hollywoods Godzilla remake. Every punch and kick feels like its connecting, because, it quite literally is. Imagine the Empire Strikes Back for example remade with C.G.I. in place of models. It'd look crap. So hats off to the japanese for not surrendering to what has now become convention.

Ewan however was not particularly enthralled post-candy consumption, and the darkness of the theatre and booming speakers were once again taking hold of his nerves. It was time to get serious and take matters in hand...this basically entailed me reverting to a 4 year old state (not too difficult believe me) and explaining how the large space aliens gracing the silver screen were not scary at all, and that, in 4 year old terms, Ultraman would, rest assured, kick some ass. This seemed to work, but the point in which a particularly large monster choose to drop half a mountain onto a boys pet dog did see me lose a little ground.
Anyway, Ewan-kun eventually relaxed and the latter half was most enjoyable. Possibly at the expense of the other cinema-goers. While watching Ultraman at home Ewan basically reenacts what he sees on the tv as it happens, sound effects included. He managed to enter a comfort zone in which he felt quite comfortable doing so in the theatre. I obviously joined in much to the chagrin of the woman sitting immediately beside me. Once her kids started joining in though she thankfully relaxed and chose not to have us ejected. I seriously doubt the movie will gain a western theatrical release of any kind, but if it does, its heartily recommended. Its a most welcome counter to the aneamic fare of the vast majority of Hollywood productions.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Daddy taking a battering

Conocer Cafe

So anyway, sundays are usually whiled away in Conocer Cafe/English Salon in Kameoka. Its a nice wee place which serves as not only a cafe/conversation school but also as a gallery. Various classes are held in Conocer (not only english conversation) and cover a variety of traditional and contemporary arts and crafts. Supported by Kameoka city government its a good example of the proactive stance regarding community services Kameoka enjoys.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Ewans festival episode 4 - Monkey On My Back

And that was that...Ewan at this point had hit one too many tambourines but soldiered on regardless. All 4 episodes may be available in compiled form at some point in the future, if I can bear the insufferable hours it takes to upload to google video for a file of that dont hold your breath. But...Hoorah to Ewan-kun!

Ewans festival episode 3 - Ian Brown Eat Your Heart Out...There's A New Tambourine Smacker In Town

Ewans festival episode 2 - The Running Man

Ewans festival episode 1 - Get your Pom-Poms Outta My Face

Right. The 2nd experience regarding the japaneses' penchant for festivals and wotnot involved none other than Ewan himself. Kindergarden sports day occured on the 23rd September 2006 and was quite a spectacle. As the ensuing video will no doubt attest. In order to truly document the masterly performance I feel a series of videos portraying each event would be most suitable. Now, Ewan is somewhat of a cool kid, and his nonchalance for certain events can at times be a real virtue...when it comes to parading around with pom -poms I think he had the right idea. The wee girl to his left was giving it her all but who'll be smiling more in 20 years when mum and dad dig out the videos and show 'em to their respective friends? My money's on Ewan.

Ewans school festival pictures

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Kyoto school festivals

School festivals back home hold fond memories for me. Not due to the awe inspiring feats of skill demonstrated by my fellow students and I in wobbling around the training pitch with an egg and spoon, but more because it gave me an afternoon off maths. Mothers and fathers consumed with pride as little jonny and co wheezed out 'jingle bells' in, what to an objective ear sounded like the death cries of boiling lobsters. It always seemed my high school festivals belonged in a 'Peanuts' strip, with one noteable difference, we were all Charlie Browns. There were no Schroeders performing Beethoven recitals and thats for sure. Not that we didnt lack talent, or potential talent anyway, its just that the amount of time invested in these things was so limited we couldnt really be expected to produce anything too memorable. Although a student who I only knew as 'Pepe' almost skewered the gym instuctor with a javelin. Thats a very memorable moment indeed. Thank you 'Pepe'.
Anyways...its a slightly different kettle of fish over here. It seems as though expectations (not only from parents but from the populace at large) are quite high. This was immmediately apparent by the choice of venue for the Kyoto City High School Festival. Kyoto Isetan is,for all those unaware, quite a spectacular edifice. Designed by Hiroshi Hara and (re)opened in 1997, its an impressive sight indeed, like an 11 story matrix of steel and glass, it plays host to an amphitheatre upon which the festival is annually held.

Now, im always impressed when sauntering through the station, which I do on a daily basis enroute to work. But festival day seemed to have brought Jean-Michel-Jarres lighting team to the city (or someone of equal calibre) and it was lit up as though the synth-hugger himself was about to walk on and twiddle his knobs in time to the lighting . This was obviously not to be, but the suceeding events were probably all the more entertaining (for his abscence) nonetheless. With speaker units Metallica themselves would kill for, and enough photographers and film crews around it was suprising not to see Paris Hilton or Liz Hurley. The atmosphere was undeniably different from my high school days of drizzle and grimaced applause.
And off it kicked. Now having been 'working for the man' for the last 8 hours, by the time i managed to negotiate my way to the stage, all the best vantage points were taken. Luckily i'm a gaijin, this is most helpful in times such as these. Due to my ignorance of the Japanese language (yes I'm ignorant, not innocent, I'm not proud of it but I am working on it) It allows me to most conveniently, not understand various signs and staff remonstrations when sauntering around areas I shouldnt. So sod it...front row called.
Having walked through a designated no go zone and ensconced myself amidst the masses, I settled down and watched the show. The first schools participants (team?) looked like they were auditioning for a Britney Spears video, albeit one directed by Terry Gilliam. The Britney Spears bit was the plethora of girls in gym shorts and t shirts dancing around maniacally. The Gilliam bit was when other girls seemed intent on chucking large blue and yellow inflatable balls at them and generally causing, what in England would most likely result in a ruckus. It was most enjoyable.

Next...more girls, same outfits, different colours this time, must be their school colours I'm guessing. More maniacal dancing, boys involved this time also, no blue or yellow inflatable objects however, shame, I liked them. Crappy pop/techno hybrid tune blaring out of the speakers, in front of which I'm sitting now, trying not to listen using the old zen buddhist trick of inserting objects at immediate disposal into my ears. Man theyre moving a lot, must be on genki drinks, cant focus camera on anyone so results are gonna be down to luck alone, boys seemed well trained in the art of gurning, and can rattle off about 4 different gurns per second. Girls seemed intent on smiling (again maniacal), jumping around and generally doing lots of things (boys included) in time with the pap music. Insane choreography, even at their age, my body would have shut down at the idea of it. Marching about, lots of high kicks which could be perfectly implemented into the next StreetFighter game via motion capture if Capcom so desired, Made a mental note to call them after, with this proposal. Oooh..human pyramids, seen that before, this one was moving however, crikey theyd thought of everything. Girls and boys now getting down with their artsy-side and pulling off some Andy Serkis style actions before the techno-pap brings it all to a climax. Fantastic.

Next up was a bunch of choral singers. This was undeniably most pleasant but my trains imminent departure signalled the end of my attendance at the shenanigans. All in all, a most enjoyable experience, but I'm wondering if the number of man hours required to produce something so spectacular would go down well back home. Probably not.
The 2nd experience regarding school festivals occured on the 23rd September and will be documented via video footage coming shortly. Get ready for an extravaganza.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

New Pixies video unearthed...

The problem I have with these video blogs is that theyre so damn time consuming I end up writing nothing. Will attempt to remedy this in near future and stay away from the editing suite. Bit of a mammoth undertaking this last one and the end results are most pleasant with the exception of the file echoing a couple of images when i converted it to video. Tried to ammend the (god damn programs) mistake but it kept echoing three frames when it shouldnt. Minor gripe but will convert to avi or another associated video file and see if it solves the problem. Anyway, I wanted to write about the new Pride FC tourney but Throughsilver's already done a fine job and scuppered that. Its a fine read. Click the link and enjoy. After watching this natch. The previous buffering issues seem to have been resolved via a change from Google Video to YouTube. Enjoy.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Ewan and Caleb and Daddys horrid hair

Forgive the 'bed head'...just watch the kids.