Monday, September 25, 2006

Ewans festival episode 1 - Get your Pom-Poms Outta My Face

Right. The 2nd experience regarding the japaneses' penchant for festivals and wotnot involved none other than Ewan himself. Kindergarden sports day occured on the 23rd September 2006 and was quite a spectacle. As the ensuing video will no doubt attest. In order to truly document the masterly performance I feel a series of videos portraying each event would be most suitable. Now, Ewan is somewhat of a cool kid, and his nonchalance for certain events can at times be a real virtue...when it comes to parading around with pom -poms I think he had the right idea. The wee girl to his left was giving it her all but who'll be smiling more in 20 years when mum and dad dig out the videos and show 'em to their respective friends? My money's on Ewan.

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